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3 Ways Personality and Plants Impact Curb Appeal

In last week’s blog, we discussed herb container gardening ideas. This week’s post will help with choosing the best plants for your (home’s) personality while boosting curb appeal! We look forward to growing with you in blog number 2, so let’s go!

First impressions are everything! What do your plants say about you?

From the moment someone first lays eyes on your home, the design speaks volumes. Do you have a classic Tudor surrounded by artisanally twisted willow branches? Or perhaps you have a smaller whitewashed cottage echoing the timelessness of Martha’s Vineyard? Either way, you can be sure people are noticing that first impression, especially when it comes to your entryway. There’s no better way to dip into landscape design than by framing it with the perfect plants, flowers, and trees.

A cluster of soft, pink peonies adding a sweet touch of southern charm, or new cactus terra cotta, which one sounds more like “you”?  With over 400,000 types of known flowering plants and many ornamentals, there’s a lot of ways to feature your home’s personality and boost your curb appeal through container entryways. Let’s take a look at the top 3!

Timeless and Classical

Imagine: picturesque red roses alongside spiraled topiaries set in stone, and perfectly trimmed squared hedges. Sound perfect? This style is well-loved for a reason — it’s timeless and classic! We see many variations of this style in landscape design, but roses are always a blue ribbon winner! If you’re short on space, find a sunny location and enough room for a large rose container.

Aside from framing your doorway in romantic blossoms, you can quickly transform a backyard patio, poolside deck, or upper-level balcony into a sweet, fragrant space to relax in after work with a glass of wine or a sparkling seltzer. As with all container plants, be sure to avoid climbers, vines or “large shrub” rose varieties. If you’re new to design and need help determining what you want, schedule a consultancy visit, and we’ll make it easy for you to fall in love with landscape design as well as find your dream roses!

Gardenalia TipWhen choosing your roses, or topiary, be sure to find one that best suits your home and you! Fragrant varieties are typically compact and disease-resistant while boasting continual bloom, so we’d recommend those.

Exotic, Eclectic and Creative!

There’s no shortage of bohemian influence in design these days, with the tiny house movement to eco-driven upcycling of found and foraged materials, the festival mandala is in a full kaleidoscopic spin!

If you want your entryway to compel visitors to sip smoky chai lattes and dream of a magical dark-woods retreat, there’s no better way than to begin by layering vibrantly colored plants! From custom “live edge” raised beds to windowsills crawling with jewel toned vines, there are so many ways to inspire! For example, deep indigos, bright oranges, and hot pinks can add a spiced curb appeal in an otherwise neutral space.

Gardenalia TipAs with all landscape design (and trends!), nothing is forever. You may start off with a gypsy influenced design, but can always change out seasonally to more modern or classic elements and then add an elevated touch over the holidays!

Modern to the Max

Looking to find zen in quiet, emptier spaces, and desire simple, elegant design? If so, there are more than a few plants that can cater to your tastes. Succulents and bonsai are the lifeblood of minimal modernists in gardening as are long stemmed ornamental grasses and lotus pods. Both appeal to those who enjoy a house with Japanese influence and paired down lines. We love shaping the unique landscape you want to live in, so get inspired by visiting our Portfolio here.

Finding new ways to frame and elevate the landscape design of your treasured home is a lifelong passion! Keep in mind that seasonal changes in planting and decorating, to long-term maintenance and legacy projects are common. There are many ways to inspire the natural design of your home and its garden, and we look forward to helping!

As summer stays hot, we’ll be cool in the shade here! And Speaking of shade, be sure to stay tuned for next week’s blog on how shade structures may be the subtle zen that your home and garden need. Until then be sure to follow us for special announcements, events, and new gardening inspirations on FacebookTwitterPinterest, and Instagram!

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