Fine Gardening & Maintenance

Organic Lawn Care
Gardenalia’s Organic Lawn Care services assists in establishing and caring for a garden lawn using organic horticulture, without the use of chemical inputs such as pesticides or artificial fertilisers
Annual Maintenance Contracts
Annual Fine Gardening Maintenance Details
Our annual fine gardening maintenance program, carried out on a a monthly basis, is designed for customers that desire regular attention to their garden throughout the entire season. We begin with a free on-site consultation then tailor an annual plan to meet your specific needs and budget. You will be provided a detailed estimate of your maintenance costs for the year. As a contract maintenance client you receive first priority in scheduling requests for your regular maintenance and additional maintenance you may desire throughout the year. For example a contract client may require moving their maintenance date and adding a few custom designed containers for an event they have planned, at Gardenalia we have the capacity to provide our annual contract clients with this level of service. Most importantly fine gardening services bring out the best in your garden during every season. Our devoted staff is attentive to the small details that keep your plants healthy and thriving. Gardenalia’s fine gardening services include pruning, deadheading, and managing the transition from season to season.
A Flourishing Garden
Regular maintenance, particularly in the change of seasons, stimulates growth and helps your garden flourish. Clearing away old material is the best way to welcome new buds. Ushering in new seasons will help your garden to adapt to changing conditions.
Fine Gardening also gives us the chance to check in on your garden, allowing us to monitor the well-being of your plants and implement proactive solutions. You won’t have to worry about insect damage or water and soil issues with regular visits from our knowledgeable gardeners.
Gardenalia offers service plans and scheduling options to accommodate your lifestyle and degree of interest in learning about your garden.
Seasonal Services

Seasonal Clean Up
For customers that do not require monthly attention to their property, our seasonal
clean up services are a great choice. We recommend two or more pre scheduled visits per season
(spring and fall). A seasonal clean up is a great way to get your yard ready for spring, in addition
to preparing it for the winter. Some customers may also choose a mid season cleanup to keep
things looking great during the summer months.
Spring (March & April)
Fall (October, November, December)
Leaf Removal: Clearing garden beds and all hard surfaces of dead leaves.
Weeding: Identifying desirable plants and removing unwanted plants.
Plant Replacement: Plants that did not survive the winter or have been damaged may be replaced with quality plants from our trusted nurseries.
Perennial Care: Various perennials will need different types of care.
Soil Moisture Inspection: A soil condition inspection ensures plants are not being over or under watered.
Plant Inspection: Monitoring the overall health of plants, including disease and pest identification.
Pruning: Pruning supports healthy growth patterns, enhances natural beauty of the the plant and removes dead wood.
Mulch & Compost
Protect, beautify and sustain your garden beds with our all natural mulch products. Must be done after a seasonal clean up. Gardenalia does not recommend using dyed, rock or synthetic mulches.
Spring (March & April)
Fall (October, November)
Leaf Mulch Organic mulch created from tree leaves
Natural Double Shredded Mulch: Natural mulch helps to control weeds and soil moisture while adding nutrients and organic matter. Mulch insulates plant roots and regulates soil temperatures in the summer and winter. April/May and October/November are the best times to mulch in established gardens
Organic Compost Our organic compost reintroduces organic matter with nutrients, minerals and beneficial microorganisms back into your planting and vegetable beds
Edge Garden Beds: When necessary making a clean garden edge helps to maintain a crisp and clean aesthetic
Certified Organic Paper Mulch Barrier: New this season. This is the product that organic farmers use as a weed prevention barrier. Similar to newspaper and cardboard, “paper mulch” is placed below mulch in garden beds at the beginning of the season. It allows nutrients and water to pass through, while slowing breaking down during the course of the year. Apply once per season.
Yes! Please contact me about Fine Gardening and/or a maintenance contract for my location
Service Call Monthly Maintenance Contracts
Description: Our monthly fine gardening maintenance service is designed for customers that desire regular attention to their garden throughout the entire season. Service Call services bring out the best in your garden during every season. Our devoted staff are attentive to the small details that keep your plants healthy and thriving. Gardenalia’s service call services include pruning, deadheading, and managing the transition from season to season.
Service Calls also gives us the chance to check in on your garden. This allows us to monitor the well-being of your plants and implement proactive solutions. You won’t have to worry about insect damage or water and soil issues with regular visits from our watchful gardeners.
Gardenalia offers convenient service plans and scheduling options to accommodate your lifestyle and degree of interest in learning about your garden.
Typically Scheduled:
Full Season (March through December)
Pruning: Pruning supports healthy growth patterns, enhances natural beauty of the the plant and removes dead wood. Proper pruning each month during the season allows your plants to maintain good health in addition to helping them achieve their full aesthetic beauty
Fertilizing: See Garden Amendments: March through June and August through October. (There is an additional charge for materials used)
Deadheading: Removing spent flower heads encourages new blooms or neatens the appearance of plants
Plant Inspection: Monitoring the overall health of plants, including disease and pest identification
Staking: Providing additional support for perennials will ensure they have the desired height when blooming
Early Season Trim: Encourage stronger stalks on meadow grasses and taller perennials with an early season trim
End of Season Cut Back: September for some plants, October for others
Plant loss: If a plant dies that is under warranty it will be noted to be replaced. See warranty for replacement details and timing.
Soil Moisture Inspection: A soil condition inspection ensures plants are not being over or under watered is done every time we are on the property
Irrigation Inspection: Monitor irrigation system (if present), make necessary adjustments and repairs Irrigation
Winterization: See Irrigation: There is an additional equipment fee added
Pruning correctly encourages healthy growth and flowering. For most shrubs and trees, it helps to prune at the right time.

Dormant pruning has many positive characteristics. Winter is the ideal time to schedule pruning for many tree species. Removal of dead or diseased wood can greatly reduce the risk of falling branches this time of year. Plus, pruning during winter will improve the overall health and appearance of your trees and get them in shape for spring, and fresh pruning cuts and bruises typically heal faster during dormant season.
Garden Amendments
Gardenalia uses quality organic garden amendments that allow your plants to thrive all season long.

Recommended (varies by product):
Spring (March through May)
Fall (October)
Soil Testing Soil testing ensures the right type and amount of amendment is used.
Corn Gluten 100% Natural Pre-emergent made from corn that is applied in spring.
Holly Tone Formulated for acid-loving plants: Hollies, Azaleas, Dogwoods, Evergreens, and Rhododendrons. The organics in Holly Tone breakdown gradually providing a safe, long lasting food reservoir activated throughout the growing season.
Rose Tone A premium rose food designed to supply the necessary nutrients for growing prize winning roses. The organics in Rose-tone breakdown gradually providing a safe, long lasting food reservoir activated throughout the growing season.
Plant Tone All natural plant food made from the finest quality organics obtainable. Plant- tone's natural organics breakdown gradually, providing a safe, long lasting food reservoir activated throughout the growing season.
Organic Compost Our organic compost reintroduces organic matter with nutrients, minerals and beneficial microorganisms back into your planting and vegetable beds.
Compost Tea Compost tea is great, because it is a very mild, organic liquid fertilizer that provides beneficial live organisms that improve the soil where you use it. It doesn’t burn plants like store bought fertilizers can.