3 Considerations Before Starting Fall Lawn Maintenance
Lawn Care
Dazzling hues of dark red chokecherries and golden sheaths of grain, to the standby of pumpkin orange, aren’t far away! Cutting end-of-season grasses, planning for the shifting out of summer’s plants, and adding Fall favorites can be intimidating. Plus it can be a bit confusing on where to begin. If you’re in need of Fall lawn maintenance services or advice, Gardenalia is here to help!
#1: Plan future garden and landscape changes first
Sounds unlikely that we’re talking FALL already, but it’s important! Knowing what you’d like your yard to look like next year helps to put together that autumn landscape to-do list. It is even more important if you’re considering an add-on to your garden scenes or changing the theme. Also, planning which vegetables/plants to pull up, weeding before the ground gets too cold, or even when to put compost down can save you time and money in 2017.
Gardenalia (Fall color) Tip: Mums are traditional flowers for Fall, but don’t be afraid to use wine-hued and vibrant grasses to highlight your home’s gardening space! Looking for additional color inspiration? Check out some of our container or reach out for a consultation!

#2: Consider outdoor holiday decor ideas, so they sync with changes made during Fall lawn maintenance
As you think ahead, take time to go over how you’d like the holidays to look and also consider how you’re going to handle snow removal. It’s hard to believe, but by the end of October, you’ll want to know whether or not you’re going full Griswold Family, or traditional Currier and Ives white lights, as well as knowing if you want to pre-order someone else to hang those boughs and pine trellis. Hint: we do that too!

Gardenalia Tip: Schedule 2017 landscape design consultations over the Fall and Winter months. Once your new garden/landscape plans are in order, the project can start by the time the snow melts (or possibly sooner, depending on your plans)!
#3: Enjoy the season change!
The easiest one of all: ENJOY the rest of Summer and soon-to-be-changing season! The BBQ’s and dips in the pool aren’t over yet! Once they are, stroll the grounds, soak in the sights and sounds of the falling leaves, sniff the air for pep rally bonfires, and feel the first fingers of fall curling up in your cowl.
Until next time, keep cool, enjoy these beautiful (last) days of summer in Pittsburgh, and give us a call with your Fall lawn maintenance or landscape design needs. We’ll be here designing, building, and keeping Pittsburgh’s gardens thriving!